
👻 Boos & Discussions

LoFi/20 community meetup

LoFi/20 took place on Tuesday October 29th, with talks by @expede ("Beehive: Local-first with E2EE & mutation control"), @nextgraph ("Local-first web of data: presenting NextGraph"), and @devYonz ("Vella.ai MVP Product Hunt launch").

The REPL #55: Instant: a modern Firebase in Clojure, with Stepan Parunashvili

"Stepan Parunashvili talks about Instant, datalog, building a database in Clojure, and the demands of building modern applications"

Aaron Boodman on Local-First vs Offline-First vs 'Synchronized' Apps

@aboodman weighs in on the ongoing debate on terminology to describe apps with local-first vs offline-first vs related sync engine based architecture.

Syntax.fm #839: Prisma ORM: Local First, Typed SQL Queries and Serverless with Søren Bramer Schmidt

"Discussion with Søren Bramer Schmidt, cocreator of Prisma, on new features like going local first, Typed SQL, common SQL mistakes, GraphQL status, serverless databases, and upcoming hosted Postgres."

Creating a Local-First Offline-Enabled LiveView App | S13E03 Elixir Wizards Podcast by SmartLogic

"Tony Dang joins Elixir Wizards Sundi Myint and Owen Bickford to break down his journey of creating a local-first, offline-ready to-do app using Phoenix LiveView, Svelte, and CRDTs (Conflict-free Replicated Data Types)."

Building high-performance local-first apps with Legend State (upcoming workshop)

"🚀 We're excited to announce our first workshop with @jmeistrich at #RNLConf!" November 14 & 15, 2024, London, UK.

🛠️ Tools & Resources


"Any-Sync is an open-source protocol that enables local first communication and collaboration based on CRDTs." The library behind Anytype (previously featured on Local-First News)

PowerSync: Announcing Support for MySQL as a Source Database

"We are excited to announce that PowerSync now supports MySQL backend databases. Our MySQL backend module is currently in an alpha release and open for anyone to try." (Disclosure: PowerSync is a sponsor of this newsletter.)

✨ Apps

Routing24 - Free Route Optimization

"I've built local-first route optimization that runs in the browser, without backend."

Onlook on ProductHunt

Onlook (previous featured on Local-First News) was recently on ProductHunt. "Onlook is an open-source, local-first, visual editor for React apps." - dennis16384 on HN

How to Contribute

Anyone can contribute to Local-First News with a pull request. Instructions and guidelines available here.